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The Association


The Association FELICITAS for the Comprehensive Development of Childhood is a civil association, registration number 39,620 granted by the Dirección Provincial de Personas Jurídicas in the Province os Buenos Aires.


It was established on November 3rd, 2012 with the objective of “providing solidary help to children and adolescents  that are at risk and are defenseless without family and/or social help; promoting the comprehensive development of children and adolescents and the restitution of their rights, providing them emotional support and care based on love and Christian values (ART. 1).”


To that end, the association could carry out different activities, such as: the creation and admministration of a Home for Children, finding alternative homes or Foster homes, the establishment of soup kitchens, workshops, day care centers, and other places that would bring support and training to children and adolescents (Art. 1). 

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